
You’ve decided to elope, but you don’t want it to be plain and boring. So let’s talk options. 1: Wear something fancy There’s NO RULE saying you still can’t wear a full on wedding gown and/or tux to your wedding. Listen, this is your day. You wear what makes you happy. Ballgown with red Chucks? Go for it. 2: Wear something mediumly (not a word) fancy A knee length white (or green, hot pink - whatever!) dress, a long beach dress, a nice suit, a button up with suspenders and a
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Charity Parrish
- Mar 1, 2017
- 2 min
Cupcakes and Why I am a Genius
Guys. I am a genius. Let me explain. I told you last week that I wanted to start sharing helpful information of things related to courthouse weddings and elopements. Well, one of the things I offer in my packages is cupcakes. So it only makes sense that I would need to share some cupcakes, right? And in order to share about cupcakes in Charlotte, I first need to research cupcakes in Charlotte. How does one go about researching cupcakes? That's right; by tasting them. So it is
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Charity Parrish
- Feb 23, 2017
- 2 min
Expo & Getting Married before your Wedding
It's been quite a week! We attended our first ever wedding expo on Sunday, and we met some really amazing couples, as well as some great vendors. It's an interesting experience attending a wedding expo where most couples are planning on a full wedding. I don't really "fit" at a lot of these places (story of my life! 😂) but I love showing newly-engaged couples that there are other options. Plus it’s just fun to meet and hang out with people in love! One couple that I met was
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Tiffany Waddell Tate
- Dec 21, 2016
- 3 min
Why I Chose to Elope
From Charity: Almost every time I tell someone what I do at The Elopement Co., I get the response, "I wish I would have done that." I get it. Heck, I've BEEN there. Trying to tell your mother that you aren't having a fairytale wedding is terrifying. You're afraid of letting people down who matter to you. You are afraid of hurting someone's feelings. Elopements aren't for everyone. But I thought I'd share with you the experience from someone who did it. I met Tiffany through
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